Quick and easy entry

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Enter your details on our secure system

Prizes come straight to you
If you’re a winner, there’s no need to claim – you’ll automatically receive your prize within 21 days of the draw.

Every raffle ticket you buy helps change the life of a pet in need…
12 raffle tickets
could help pay for toys and enrichment for pets in our care
24 raffle tickets
could help cover the costs of feeding a hungry pet for a month
36 raffle tickets
could go towards an initial vet check and vaccinations for a homeless pet
Don’t miss a chance to win… become a raffle subscriber
Our raffle subscription means you’ll automatically be entered into our four draws each year, including our Fast Entry Draw, so you’ll never miss out on a chance to win fantastic prizes. What’s more you’ll receive this adorable tote bag when you sign up.

Responsible gambling
Enjoy our lottery and raffles responsibly. Learn about responsible gambling.
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