The Pet Lottery T&Cs

“Blue Cross”, “we”, “us” and “our” shall be a reference to Blue Cross, registered charity number 224392 (England and Wales) and SC040154 (Scotland) “entrants” “you” and “your” means a person entering into The Pet Lottery.

  1. The cost of each entry is £1. Players may purchase more than one entry, and payment must be in advance. Entry is open to all UK residents but excludes Blue Cross employees and third parties directly involved in the administration or management of The Pet Lottery. Any entries bought in the name of such Blue Cross employees or members of their households will be excluded from the draw and considered as donations to Blue Cross. Recommended maximum purchase is 5 lottery entries, please contact us if you require more entries.
  2. Not to be sold by or to anyone under 18 years of age. Any person found to be under 18 years of age automatically forfeits the right to any prize. Any entries bought by under 18’s will be excluded from the draw and considered as donations to Blue Cross.
  3. Your unique lottery number(s) will be generated and confirmed by post within 21 days. Your number(s) will remain the same each week. No ticket will be supplied.
  4. The weekly draw will be conducted every Friday. The draw will be conducted by a random number generator that has been tested and approved by an independent, Gambling Commission approved, third-party test house. Only Lottery numbers for players with sufficient credit at the time of the draw will be eligible for prizes. Late or missed payments may result in player’s lottery numbers not being eligible for every draw.
  5. The Winning Numbers will be available via the Win Big for Pets website and will be available from The Pet Lottery Helpline on 01628 821 986. Results will be available from the next working day following the draw.
  6. There are no alternatives to any prize and no interest will be payable. If you pay by Direct Debit, prizes will be paid directly into your bank account, otherwise a cheque will be sent within 21 days. Prizes are as follows: Our weekly lottery consists of 1x 1st prize of £1,000, 5x 2nd prizes of £25 and 94x 3rd prizes of £5. Our quarterly super draw consists of 1x 1st prize of £10,000, 1x 2nd prize of £500, 10x 3rd prize of £25, and 90x runners up prizes of £10.
  7. The overall chance of winning a prize each week with one entry is 1 in 117.
  8. All profits from the lottery will be used for the charitable purposes of Blue Cross. Registered Charity 224392 (England and Wales) and SC040154 (Scotland). Of the £560,705 received in ticket sales during 2024, 18% was spent on expenses, 14% on prizes and 68% was used to fund our important work.
  9. Blue Cross is not responsible for any delays in bank payments. Entries can only be included in the lottery once full payment for each entry has been received.
  10. CAF payments cannot be accepted to pay for lottery entries. All CAF payments will be returned with a request for alternative payment or treated as donations.
  11. No liability is accepted for loss, theft or delayed receipt of any communication sent by post.
  12. Blue Cross or its External Lottery Manager may (without giving any reason or notice) decline to accept an application, cancel an existing subscription or terminate or suspend the lottery scheme. Blue Cross or its External Lottery Manager’s decisions made regarding the lottery and its rules shall, once made, be final and binding.
  13. The rules are subject to change by Blue Cross or its External Lottery Manager. Copies of the latest rules will be published on
  14. In the event of an error, howsoever caused, whether a printing error or otherwise and whether obvious or otherwise, which affects the lottery in any way, the organisers reserve the right to fairly administer the lottery as though the error had not occurred. Where the organisers deem it appropriate and/or feasible Blue Cross will notify entrants of the error.
  15. Blue Cross is committed to ensuring that information about how to gamble responsibly and how to access information and help in respect of problem gambling is readily available to all. Please refer to the website or request from The Pet Lottery Helpline number.
  16. The maximum number of entries for an individual in each weekly draw is five.


  • Blue Cross is required by its gambling licence to inform customers about what happens to customer funds which Blue Cross holds on account for The Pet Lottery players in the event of its insolvency. The Gambling Commission provides further information on our licence conditions detailing what Blue Cross needs to tell players.
  • Blue Cross holds the customer funds of those players who have joined The Pet Lottery by telephone, online or using electronic devices such as mobile phones/tablets separate from its general funds. These funds are not protected in the event of insolvency – the Gambling Commission rating is ‘Not Protected Segregation’.
  • The customer funds of those players who have joined The Pet Lottery by either face to face with one of Blue Cross’ representatives, via the post or by paper application form are not segregated from Blue Cross’ general income or protected in the event of insolvency – the Gambling Commission rating is ‘Not Protected’
  • For more information on the Gambling Commission’s rating system, please see the customer funds insolvency ratings system.

Rules last updated 5 February 2025.